




























      2018年2月‐至今,      浙江科技学院信息与电子工程学院,教授,院长

      2009年1月‐2018年1月, 上海电力学院,计算机科学与技术学院,教授,院长


      2004年4月‐2006年4月, 山东大学,计算机科学与技术博士后流动站,博士后

      2003年2月‐2008年8月, 海南大学,信息科学技术学院,副教授、教授(2006年9月起)、副院长(2004年5月起)





      1.国家自然科学基金面上项目,61672337,面向多网融合的智能用电感知互动服务关 键技术,2017/1—2020/1262万元,在研,主持

      2.国家自然科学基金面上项目,61472236,面向智能电网负荷预测的电力大数据关键 技术,2015/01-2018/1285万元,已结题,主持

      3.上海市科委地方能力建设项目,14110500800,面向电力大数据的设备故障诊断与预警关键技术研究, 2014/09-2016/1280万元,已结题,主持


      5.上海市科委基础研究重点项目,12JC1404500,电力监测无线传感器网络的故障诊断 与安全机制,2012/11-2015/1240万元,已结题,主持

      6.上海市教委科研创新重点项目,13ZZ131,电力监测无线传感网中不确定数据质量控 制与修复技术研究,2012/09-2015/1216万,已结题,主持

      7.国家自然科学基金面上项目,61073189,基于云计算的海量网络数据管理与搜索技 术,2011/01-2013/1233万元,已结题,主持

      8.国家自然科学基金地区项目,60863001,基于类格的多层网页分类技术研究,2009  /01-2011/1228万,已结题,主持

      9.上海市科委地方能力建设项目,09160501700,电力用户侧智能控制与优化决策关键 技术研究,2009/11-2012/1280万,已结题,主持

      10. 上海高校本科重点教学改革项目,面向智能电网信息类工程型人才培养模式的研究2011/11-2014/115万,已结题,主持


      [1] Fengyong Li, Kui Wu, Jingsheng Lei, Mi Wen, Zhongqin Bi, and Chunhua GuSteganalysis Over Large-Scale Social Networks With High-Order Joint Features and Clustering EnsemblesIEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2016,11(2)344-357,SCICCF A类,IF4.332

      [2] Guoming Tang, Kui Wu, Jingsheng LeiA Distributed and Scalable Approach to Semi-Intrusive Load MonitoringIEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 201627(6)1553~1565SCICCF A类,IF4.181

      [3] Zhenjiangi Li, WenweiChen, Mo Li, Jingsheng LeiIncorporating Energy Heterogeneity intoSensor Network Time Synchronization, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2015, 26(1): 163-173SCICCF A 类,IF4.181

      [4] Lan Zhang, Xiang-Yang Li, Jingsheng LeiMechanism Design for Finding Experts Using Locally Constructed Social Referral WebIEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed SystemsVOL. 26, NO. 82316-2326, AUGUST 2015SCICCF A类,IF4.181

      [5] M. Wen,K. Lu, Jingsheng Lei, F.Y Li, J.Li, BDO-SD An Efficient Scheme for Big Data Outsourcing with Secure Deduplication, accepted by IEEE INFOCOM workshop on Security and Privacy in Big Data, 2015. CCF A

      [6] Guokang Zhu, Yuancheng Huang, Jingsheng Lei, Zhongqin Bi, and Feifei XuUnsupervised Hyperspectral Band Selection by Dominant Set ExtractionIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, VOL. 54, NO. 1:227-239, JANUARY 2016SCICCF BIF4.942

      [7] Caiming Zhong, Xiaodong Yue, Zehua Zhang, Jingsheng LeiA clustering ensemble: Two-level-refined co-association matrix with path-based transformationPattern Recognition 48(2015)2699–2709SCICCF BIF4.582

      [8] Jingsheng Lei , Teng Jiang, Kui Wu, Haizhou Du, Guokang Zhu, Robust K-means algorithm with automatically splitting and merging clusters and its applications for surveillance data, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer, pp 1-17, February 9, 2016SCICCF CIF1.53

      [9] Guoming Tang, Kui Wu, Jingsheng Lei, Zhongqin Bi and Jiuyang Tang. From Landscape to Portrait: A New Approach for Outlier Detection in Load Curve Data. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. 2015, 5(4):1764-1773SCIIF6.645

      [10] DongyaoJia, Rui Zhang, Kejie Lu, Jianping Wang, Zhongqin Bi, and Jingsheng Lei. Improving the Uplink Performance of Drive-Thru Internet via Platoon-Based Cooperative Retransmission. IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology. 2015, 63(9): 4536-4545. SCIIF4.066

      [11] Mi Wen, Jingsheng Lei, Zhongqin Bi, Jing Li. EAPA: An efficient authentication protocol against pollution attack for smart grid. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 8(6), pp 1082-1089, 2015. SCIIF1.262

      [12] Jingsheng LeiJiang, Teng; Wu, Kui; Du, Haizhou1; Zhu, Lin, Robust local outlier detectionwith statistical parameter for big data, Computer Systems Science and Engineering, v 30, n 5, p 411-419, September 2015SCIIF1.036

      [13] Mi Wen, Kaoru Ota, He Li, Jingsheng Lei, Chunhua Gu, and Zhou Su, Secure Data Deduplication With Reliable Key Management for Dynamic Updates in CPSS, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 2016 , 2 (4) :137-147

      [13] Jingsheng Lei, Ting Jin, Jiawei Hao, Fengyong Li, Short-term load forecasting with clustering-regression model in distributed cluster, Cluster Comput, 2017.9.22, 15(9)1~11,SCIIF1.601

      [14] Jingsheng Lei, Wenbin Shi; Zhichao Lei; Fengyong Li, Efficient power component identification with ; long short-term memory and deep neural network, EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Process, 2018.11.7, 122(11)1~14SCIIF1.737

      [15] Mi Wen; Jingsheng Lei; Zhongqin Bi; Jing Li, EAPA: An Efficient Authentication Protocol Against Pollution Attack for Smart Grid, Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 2015.06.01, 8(6)1082~1089SCIIF1.514

      [16] Fengyong Li ; Kui Wu; Xinpeng Zhang; Jingsheng Lei, Robust Batch Steganography in Social Networks With Non-Uniform Payload and Data Decomposition, IEEE Access, 2018.6.1, 6(1)29912~29925SCIIF3.557


      [1] 雷景生、叶文君,数据库原理及应用清华大学出版社20159月第二版

      [2] M.Wen, Jingsheng Lei, X. Liang, R. Lu and X. Shen, Querying over Encrypted Data in Smart Grid, Springer, In press, 2013.

      [3] Jingsheng Lei, Fu Lee Wang, Hepu Deng, Duoqian Miao, Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence, Springer, 2012, ISBN 978-3-642-33477-1

      [4] Fu Lee Wang, Jingsheng Lei, Zhiguo Gong, Xiangfeng Luo, Web Information Systems and Mining, Springer, 2012, ISBN 978-3-642-33468-9

      [5] Jingsheng Lei, Fu Lee Wang, Mo Li and Yuan Luo, Network Computing and Information Security , Springer, 2012, ISBN 978-3642352102

      [6] Fu Lee Wang, Jingsheng Lei, Rynson W.H. Lau and Jingxin Zhang, Multimedia and Signal Processing, Springer,2012, ISBN 978-3642352850


      [1] 雷景生,温蜜等,电力监测传感网感知数据的智能处理与隐私保护技术及应用,上海市科技进步三等奖,2018

      [2] 雷景生,钟声等,基于混合神经网络的数据挖掘方法研究,海南省科技进步三等奖,2006

      [3] 康耀红,李太君,雷景生等,Internet信息检索论文与技术应用开发,海南省科技进步二等奖,2006
